If your organisation is going through change, our highly experienced career consultants are here to help. Our individual support programmes, group workshops and bespoke career transition solutions will ensure your people feel supported to embrace change and are well-positioned for the future.
Our individual programmes are designed to support employees across all levels of your organisation:
Executive Programme – for C-suite, Executives and Senior Managers, extended support is often required to explore options such as consulting, business start-ups or entrepreneurial opportunities.
Comprehensive Programme – for General Managers, Managers and Leadership Team members. Working one-on-one with a Senior Career Consultant to determine what the next career move will be and in addition, consideration is given to longer term career planning.
Fundamentals Programme– designed for your technical experts, professional staff and middle managers, this programme builds on the Essentials programme with added focus on networking and a proactive approach to job searching.
Essentials Programme – for administration staff, business professionals and team leaders, this programme equips individuals with the tools, knowledge and confidence to quickly step into their next role.
For organisations, our Career Planning and Career Coaching programmes can assist with retention of your top performers who have plateaued or hit the ‘glass ceiling’, development of your ‘rising stars’ as part of your succession planning, and assisting employees to identify options who are unsure of their career direction. The focus is on aligning future career options with personal preferences, skills and competencies and with organisational direction.
Resilience is crucial to our wellbeing and for managing uncertainty and stress. With the changing world and business landscape we find ourselves in today, we are constantly being presented with new challenges which we need to successfully navigate through – resilience is one way we can do this. Our Building Resilience Workshop is designed to empower you and your team with strategies to build and further develop your resilience.
H2R can provide a number of options to assist your organisation and its people affected by change and help them to build a degree of resilience and optimism, prior to and during the change and transition periods. We also provide managers with the necessary skills to manage themselves and lead their teams durin change and beyond:
Change Leadership Workshop – for your People Leaders
Embracing Change Workshop – for employees and managers impacted by change
Announcement Day & Consultation Support – have an H2R career consultant onsite to have an initial conversation with employees about their concerns
Retiring is one of the biggest changes we will experience in our lifetime. Our practical programme encourages people to think about and plan for their retirement to enable them to make a smooth transition and give them a revitalised sense of purpose.