If your organisation wants to psychometrically assess potential talent, develop leadership capability or build high performance teams, our highly experienced consultants are here to help.
Widest range of assessments – We are accredited experts in all the industry-leading, robust assessments including ability assessments, personality profiles, work simulations and skills assessments. Specifically, we are accredited experts in the Saville Wave, SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire, Podium Perspectives, Talent Q Dimensions, GeneSys 15FQ+, Hogan Leadership Potential, Derailment and Values assessments, A&DC Managerial, Graduate and Customer Service Simulations, and Skillcheck computer skills assessments
Insightful assessments, fit for purpose – if you want to measure growth mindset, resilience, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, learning agility, values fit or sales success, we will partner with you to select from over a hundred robust psychometrics to measure what’s important to you across the entire employee lifecycle
Not just a tick the box exercise – we provide meaningful insight, understanding the organisation’s DNA, team dynamics and role requirements to provide confidence for leaders in making critical selection decisions. We don’t use generic computer-generated reports
Personalised development conversations – our consultants have meaningful conversations with you and your candidates that add real value to the recruitment process and to support the growth of your people. We provide every candidate with the opportunity for a personalised conversation to increase their self-awareness, providing ideas for development
Support for leaders – our consultants partner with you, providing workshops on how to best interpret the results and utilise the data on your people for onboarding, growth, retention and to achieve high levels of engagement
Build self-awareness – We know that the greatest ROI occurs when leadership development focuses on enhancing self-awareness. We support leaders to understand what makes them tick, drives their behaviour, their leadership derailers and the impact these have on their people. We use cutting-edge leadership assessments, 360 degree feedback, simulations and design bespoke leadership development centres to identify leadership strengths and areas for growth
Leadership Coaching – our consultants are accredited coaches and experts in supporting your leaders to reflect on their strengths, challenges and then to focus on action. We support and embed behavioural change through ongoing coaching and developing actionable steps and measuring outcomes
Align strengths against deliverables – our solutions support you to understand what your leaders and people do best and align their strengths against your business deliverables
Facilitating a growth mindset in your team – Whether a new team needs to hit the ground running or a long-standing team wants to reignite energy to work more effectively, we support a diverse range of teams to continually evolve and be agile to meet new demands, enhancing team understanding, collaboration and performance
Insightful team assessments – We utilise the most robust team assessments to provide you with a data-driven, indepth insight into your overall team strengths and potential blind-spots that can derail effectiveness, particularly when a team is under pressure
Scientific rigour – We focus on the proven ingredients that lead to high team performance including neuro-diversity, psychological safety, understanding of team dynamics and shared purpose
Create team behavioural change – our consultants are experts at creating team action plans and facilitating change at a team level, where everyone is held accountable for behaviour change and the team’s future success
For more information please feel free to give us a call or email us. Our talent development specialists are: